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Thursday 15 December 2016

How to make a website using html code

Step #1. Open Notepad or Sublime Text

Notepad is free and automatically installed in your computer just go to start menu and open notepad or if you are using sublime text (is also text editor like notepad with advanced features) open your sublime text.

 Click the image bellow to see full view

This is the notepad view you can write your html using notepad

This is the sublime text view you can also write your html using sublime text

Step #2. Save the document with .html extension

Note that you need to save the document with .html extension you are free to select any name like (e.g web.html , index.html , home.html , about.html ) 

 Click the image bellow to see full view

Click on the file menu and the select "save as" and give a name for your html document.


Step #3. Start writing HTML code (The basic layout)

You will start your HTML coding with html tag <html> and must end with </html> in between <html> </html> you will write title <title>example title</title> and after title you will write <head></head> and then <body></body> this is the basic HTML layout. in between <body></body> you will write your code. Also see the image bellow to see the actual layout setup.

Click the image bellow to see full view

This image show you the clear concept of the basic html layout.



Step #4. Save HTML code (ctrl+s)

Follow the above steps and save your HTML document by pressing (ctrl+s) or go to file menu and click on save option. after saving you will open the document in any web browser it show the out put.

Click the image bellow to see full view

Lease a comment if any query. Thank you


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