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Wednesday 6 September 2017

How to earn money online

There are many online marketplaces that offers you to earn money online from your home.
How to get start?
How to earn money online?
Here are some freelancing website which provide a platform to earn money:
1: Fiverr.com
2: UpWork.com
3: Frelancer.com
4. peopleperhour.com

and many other sites are available on internet.

How to start earning money from Fiverr.com??
This video explain every thing from the start to end  how to start my awn business and fiverr account.


how to configure mac address on tp-link router

Step #1

Find your default gateway by entering "inconfig" in cmd. once you will get default gateway ip then login to your tplink modem.

Step #2

After login to your modem please follow the video which show you step by step process how to configure mac address on tp-link router.

Friday 21 July 2017

How to enable Hyper-V on windows 8.1?

What is Hyper-V? Hyper-V is the software which provide service which can run multiple Virtual Machines on one host Operating system. Like we can run Linux on windows operating system by using Hyper-V.

Sunday 12 February 2017

Thursday 12 January 2017

Using multiple classes within one selector

HTML allows you to add multiple classes to an HTML element. For example you can add two classes in to an <h1> .

Two different classes are written within the same attribute with spaces separating each class as above image shows.

 The advantage of using multiple classes within the same attribute is that you can write a CSS properties to select either of the classes and they both affect the same element. as like this

You can also write a same CSS properties/rules for  two different classes by written directly after each another as like this.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

GET and POST method in HTML

HTML forms can use method by specifying method="POST" and method="GET" in <form> elemen.
GET method:
Appends form data into the URL in name/value pairs formet.
URL is limited in range 3000 characters

POST method:
No size limitations for the URL
Data is not shown is in URL
POST cannot be bookmarked

Wednesday 4 January 2017

How To Use CSS3 Media Queries To Create a website mobile friendly

What are media queries ?
Media queries are CSS technique introduced in CSS3 and used for responsive web design it use @media to include a block of css properties. 
How to use ?
We can set the set the screen size by using @media 
If the screen size web browser is smaller then 667px , the background color of body will be yellow:
/* Less than 667px */
See the screenshot for code.

Example #2:
If the screen size web browser is larger then 667px , the background color of body will be red:
/* grater than 667px */
See the screenshot for code.

Example #3:
If the screen size web browser is in between 480px and 667px , the background color of body will be yellow:

/* No greater than 667px, no less than 480px */
See the screenshot for code.